Unregistered posting has been disabled, you must register to post here!

J. Puhakka

Active Member
Club Member
7 Tammikuu 2003
We are having problems with spambots and people who abuse our "posting without registering" to international area feature, so we had to disable the feature.
Sorry about the problems, you still can register and those instructions are coming. (instructions how to change board language to english are already there)
Vs: Unregistered posting has been disabled, you must register to post here!

Here is my simple walktrough to register account in Mitsubishi Club Finland forum:

First step: Press "REKISTERÖIDY" on top banner, or use this link: http://www.mitsubishiclubfinland.com/keskustelu/index.php?action=register

Now forum asks you following information;
Valitse käyttäjätunnus: - Choose a username:
Sähköposti: - Your Email address: (It must be valid, because you will receive confirmation mail after registration)
Valitse salasana: - Choose a password:
Vahvista salasana: - Confirm a password: (same password to both fields)
Kuvallinen varmistus: - Captcha confirmation: (wrote those letters that you see to the box)

Below those are the rules, in finnish thou. You must tick that "Hyväksyn" on bottom, and after that "Rekisteröidy" below.

Then you should get that confirmation mail, and after using the link provided on mail you should be able to log in.

To log in, there is a top of the page: "Tervetuloa, Vieras. Ole hyvä ja kirjaudu". Klick that "kirjaudu"
Enter your username and password and klick "Kirjaudu" button.

After that, read this topic: http://www.mitsubishiclubfinland.com/keskustelu/index.php?topic=23177.0
It explains how to change board language from finnish to english. :)
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