


Varmasti moni kotisivuillani vieraillut on miettinyt, että mikä hitto tota Makkea riivaa. Autoja on aikas lailla ja suurin osa Vauxhalleja ja seassa joku Mitsubishi.
Olen jo pidemmän aikaa tiennyt itseni tärähtäneeksi ja olen mietiskellyt syitä sille. Olen ollut tietoinen Vauxholismista ja siitä kuinka se voi muuttua krooniseksi. Mutta sitten soppaan vielä sekaan Mitsubishi! Siinä kohtaa meikäläisenkin ymmärrys päättyi.
Vaan nyt tuo kaikki mulle selvisi kun sattumalta löysin uutisen huumausaineista. Alla oleva juttu kertoo kaiken. ;)

"Out there with 4MTA is DOB, sold in pill form as 'golden eagles', an unpredictable hallucinogen that can remain active in the system for 36 hours or more. August de Loor, of the Safe House drugs testing project in Amsterdam, confirms that this has caused problems in Holland, too, but that's because it has been traded as Ecstasy, compared to which its effects are shocking and disorienting. The difference here is that it is sold for those effects: people know what they're getting and they want it, just as they want the catatonia-inducing temazepam and trippy anaesthetic ketamine ('It's incredible, but you get so fucked-up that you won't know what you're doing or have any concept of pain,' says one famous British DJ). The British want 'sexstasy', a pill combining Viagra and Ecstasy, plus a range of super-Ecstasy and powerful Ecstasy-analogue pills with names such as Mitsubishis and Vauxhalls, and a roster of others that changes on a monthly basis. Mix these up and the resulting chains of complex chemical reaction become ever more difficult for despairing medics to unravel. We have become a nation of Elvis-like psychonauts, designing our weekends with drugs to take us up, bring us down, supply energy, sex and beauty."
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